This class will build the skills learned in our STAR class. We will add some fun tricks and games to help enhance the lessons. We will add more distractions, distance and duration to challenge you and your dog’s basic skills. It is a great next step for the STAR graduates and a terrific way for you and your dog to Build Your Bond! Building the Bond class is a prerequisite for CGC and Therapy Dog Classes.**STAR is a prerequisite for Building the Bond** 5 week class – $180.00 2025 SCHEDULE:MONDAYS STARTING JANUARY 20TH AT 7:15 PM- FULL-THANK YOU!TUESDAYS STARTING MARCH 11TH AT 6:00 PM AND 7:15 PM- FULL=THANK YOUTUESDAYS STARTING APRIL 29TH AT 6:00 PMTUESDAYS STARTING JUNE 10TH AT 6:00 PMTUESDAYS STARTING JULY 22ND AT 6:00 PMTUESDAYS STARTING SEPTEMBER 9TH AT 6:00 PMTUESDAYS STARTING OCTOBER 21ST AT 6:00 PM NEEDED TO CONFIRM CLASS:1. Full payment2. Proof of vaccines and a negative fecal if you have not been in class with us in the last 6 months(Email forms to NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN ONCE CLASS IS PURCHASED (Applies to all classes or packages) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Signs of Anxiety and Fear Ladder of Aggression Stress Triggers for Dogs