Does your dog have a friendly and outgoing personality?  Have you thought about sharing your dog with the community by visiting nursing homes, hospitals, schools or churches?  Then Therapy Dog Class is for you!  During this 6 week class, you and your dog will become a team and work on skills such as leash walking through crowds and around medical equipment, handling, polite greeting, and a strong Leave It cue.  The teams will then be tested by our Therapy Dog International evaluator, (Marsha Serio, CPDT-KA) with the opportunity of becoming a Certified Therapy Dog.  All handlers must show proof of COVID vaccine as a requirement of Therapy Dogs International.

Prerequisites include: STAR, Building the Bond, CGC

6 week class – $230.00
Saturdays at 9:00am

Next classes that are open 2024:

1. Full payment
2. Proof of vaccines and a negative fecal
(Email forms to

NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN ONCE CLASS IS PURCHASED (Applies to all classes or packages)